

审查信贷申请书 (PDF)This allows you the opportunity to receive college credits for what you already know! Students can demonstrate their skills and knowledge received through prior learning from non-accredited institutions and/or work experience.
毕业申请(PDF) -如果你即将完成你的学位, we suggest you meet with the 学术 advising office to make sure you are ready for graduation. If so, please complete the graduation application online thru 胜博发连接/学生的计划.  If you are unable to log in or submit an application online, then you may use this form.  You will be evaluated and mailed a letter indicating if you have been approved for graduation.”
*承诺完成 – You may be eligible for a free 3-credit class. 在这里查看资历. You must complete and submit this form once you are registered for the summer class to be evaluated for the free class.
课程更改(PDF) – If you would like to update your program of study, please meet with the 学术 advising office. Once an 学术 advisor signs off on this form, you may submit it for your curriculum to be updated.
退款程序(PDF) – chargeback assistance will be available for Ocean County residents who enroll in a course or program, 在新泽西的另一所县学院, 这是胜博发县学院不提供的.
*驾驶执照验证表 – Use this form to upload a copy of your driver’s license.
删除/添加(PDF) - Most 学生 have access to add/drop 课程 on 学生的计划. 然而, 如果您收到阻止通知, 或者需要导师或讲师的签名, 请填写这张表格.
*早期大学资助申请 – Application for High School 学生 taking College 课程 at 胜博发 or at their High School.
早期大学家长同意书(PDF) -高中学生必备.
核实入学申请- After the census date of the semester, 学生 can request an enrollment verification. You can request an enrollment verification free of charge at any time by completing this form and submitting it with a copy of your government-issued photo ID.
免疫接种记录 根据新泽西的法律, all new on-campus 学生 carrying 12 or more credits are required to submit a record of immunization against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, and hepatitis B or indicate exemption due to medical or religious beliefs.
护理意向书 – Complete this form if you are interested in the Traditional Nursing Program. 你必须提交这张表格 每个学期 that you wish to be considered for the traditional nursing program.
注册表格(PDF) – Eligible 学生 are welcome to register via their 胜博发连接 account. 然而, if you are in need of assistance and must register manually, you may use this form.
*学生资料更改 -如果您需要更正您的姓名或地址, please 填妥此表格 along with a copy of your government-issued photo ID with the updated name and/or address. We will also accept the confirmation from the Motor Vehicle Commission. Leases, utility 状态ments, and bills are not accepted as address documentation.
学生社会安全号码表  – Securely submit your Social Security number for 金融援助 purposes.
要求笔录(PDF) – We no longer have paper transcript request forms. 所有学生必须通过我们的 订购网站 通过国家学生信息中心.

*动态表单 – You may need to log in through your 胜博发连接 account to access the form. 谢谢你!.


FERPA – Authorization to Release Protected Information – 请 填妥此表格 if you would like to grant another individual access to information regarding your educational records (grades, 金融援助, 时间表, 等.)
撤销目录信息 – If you previously completed the form to prevent disclosure of Directory information and would now like to allow disclosure, 填妥此表格.
Request to Inspect and Amend Education 记录 (PDF) – If you would like to inspect your record and/or request a change be made, 填妥此表格.
Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information – Complete this form if you want your directory information withheld. 请注意, your name will not appear in the graduation program.
上诉- FERPA要求(PDF) – If you made a request to amend your records and it was denied, you can appeal the decision by submitting this form.
请浏览我们的 FERPA网站 regarding the FERPA Privacy Policy for more information.